

Preaching from the Bible
We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.  In addition to sermons, you may also be interested in browsing our gospel meetings and Bible classes.
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Displaying 1546 - 1560 of 1799

Page 1 2 3 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 118 119 120

Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/02/10 Marriage’s Foundation Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun AM The_Foundation_Of_Marriage_-_Wayne_Goff_-_5-2-2010.mp3
05/02/10 Jehovah’s Witnesses: The Backward Cult Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun PM Jehovah's_Witnesses,_A_Backward_Cult_-_Wayne_Goff_5-2-2010pm.mp3
04/25/10 Heaven's Inhabitants Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun AM Heaven's_Inhabitants_-_Wayne_Goff_4-25-2010am.mp3
04/25/10 Procrastination: The Thief of Time Jerald Prater Sermon (none) Sun PM Procrastination_-_Jerald_Prater_-_4-25-2010pm.mp3
04/18/10 Do We Hear Without Hearing ? Bill Crews Sermon (none) Sun AM Do_We_Hear_Without_Hearing_-_Bill_Crews_-_4-18-2010am.mp3
04/18/10 Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees: Which is Hypocrisy Andy Kleinlein Sermon (none) Sun PM Hypocrits_-_Andy_Kleinlein_-_4-18-2010pm.mp3
04/11/10 Remember The Sabbath and Keep It Holy Larry Osborn Sermon (none) Sun AM Remeber_The_Sabbath_and_Keep_It_Holy_-_Larry_Osborn_-_4-11-2010am.mp3
04/11/10 Paul's Charge To Timothy (and us) Josh Kleinlein Sermon (none) Sun PM Paul's_Charge_To_Timothy_-_Josh_Kleinlein_-_4-11-2010pm.mp3
04/04/10 King Josiah Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun AM King_Josiah_-_Wayne_Goff_-_4-4-2010am.mp3
04/04/10 One Thing Every Marriage Needs Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun PM Wayne_Goff_-_One_Thing_Every_Marriage_Needs_-_04-04-2010.mp3
03/28/10 Don't Look Back Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun AM Don't_Look_Back_-_Wayne_Goff_-_3-28-2010am.mp3
03/28/10 Communication With God Jon Gorham Sermon (none) Sun PM Communication_With_God_-_Jon_Gorham_-_3-28-2010.mp3
03/26/10 It Is Finished! J.R. Bronger Gospel Meeting Spring 2010 Gospel Meeting It_Is_Finished_-_J.R_Bronger_-_3-26-2010.mp3
03/25/10 The Prodigal Son J.R. Bronger Gospel Meeting Spring 2010 Gospel Meeting The_Prodigal_Son_-_J.R._Bronger_-_3-25-2010.mp3
03/24/10 Fear Not ! J.R. Bronger Gospel Meeting Spring 2010 Gospel Meeting Fear_Not_-_J.R._Bronger_-_3-24-2010.mp3

Displaying 1546 - 1560 of 1799

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